Around the World vol.1

After a nice introduction of Around the World, it’s time to share the 2nd set of content created for this project. This time, taking you across the Suriname River to a place called Commewijne and back to Paramaribo’s central market.

As a young boy in Suriname, I (Xaviër) would go on little trips with my great aunt Muriël during my school vacation. She was a middle school teacher in the Commewijne district, which wasn’t accessible by car or public transport because it was on the other side of the river. So for that exact reason, we would hop on a little motorboat and cross the Suriname River to then get on a bus that would drop us off in front of the school.

When on the hunt for locations to create this amazing content, the videographer noticed one of these little motorboats, and right there at that moment I felt like I was going on a journey with my great aunt Muriël again. From hopping on the boat, riding the small waves of the river, and docking at Commewijne, it was such a nostalgic feeling. All of which I hope never goes away. And to be honest, I have all faith in that because even though there has been a bridge connecting Paramaribo and Commenwijn for over 25 years, the little motorboats still transport people day in, and day out.

In another part, you’ll notice the Central Market in Paramaribo. This bit took me back to the times I would attend that place with my grandmother. If anything, every time you enter that place the smell alone takes you back to every moment you’ve spent there. From the sections selling fresh greens and fruits to the sections where you could find fresh fish, medicines made from plants etc.

All of these moments brought up a feeling I hope I translated perfectly into the content you’re being presented. To me creating content isn’t only about placing products in the right place and whatnot.
What connects the brand to the place? Even if it’s just one aspect, that’s more than enough.
In these places, that one thing was the Orange Fanta soda bottle that you could see on the back of the t-shirts. I used to get that soda every time.

The core memory of this is the fact that to this day I don’t know why they would pour the soda into a small plastic bag with a straw. I have reason to believe it was an unconscious way of saying “Hold it tight and drink every drop”. You best believe, I did. And I think I speak for everyone who cherishes their memories of the real orange Fanta as the orange Fanta color in some countries is somewhat yellow with a completely different taste.

Enjoy this set of content and if you’re feeling nostalgic about the orange Fanta, grab yourself something to hold on to online at Bruut. See more content on Instagram.


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